Re-Liquidity Your Real Estate


公司簡介 & 我們的願景

Re Liquidity設立於開曼,為一家不動產基金公司,宗旨為「讓您的不動產再次流動」(Re-Liquidity Your Real Estate),鎖定亞太地區的穩定型收益不動產項目。由於不動產物業的投資價格遠較股票等證券商品為高,加上複雜的法律和稅務問題,及物業管理的不便利性,導致整個不動產投資市場的門檻相對較高,流動性也明顯偏低,讓許多想投資房地產的中小型投資人無法投資本身喜好的不動產項目類別,而這種情況在傳統REITs仍處於發展中的亞太地區尤為嚴重。

因此,我們設立了Re Liquidity,希望以團隊成員在不動產與證券市場領域的豐富知識及投資經驗為基礎,結合已逐漸被投資者接受的區塊鏈與數字資產技術,推行不動產代幣化的投資基金商品,將原有不動產投資的高門檻碎片化,並活化其流動性,協助中小型投資人參與該投資領域。

Re Liquidity主要業務為透過STO(Securities Token Offering)模式進行募資,設立不動產投資基金,進行基金的投資評估、實質投資、運營管理、及利潤分配等相關工作,主要營收來源則為基金管理費用與績效獎金。

Management Team

Frank Chang
CEO / President / Funder

Frank Chang 是 Re Liquidity 的創辦人兼董事,具有超過10年的顧問與金融業經驗。他曾擔任Bellwether專案經理,負責於2013年開始與南京市政府合作規畫亞太金融研究院,其後於 Cathay Securities 擔任海外資本市場研究員,負責不動產相關產業,現在則出任台灣STO顧問公司BitInno的總經理。Frank Chang於台灣政治大學取得地政系(Land Economic)學士,並有台灣政治大學外交所碩士與UCB企管碩士學位。

Tony Hsu
Co-Funder / Vice President

Tony Hsu has extensive experience in equity design, financial planning, follow-up operation management, and market value management of start-up companies. Prior experience includes research as an analyst  in overseas capital markets at Cathay Securities,and co-founder and CFO of Bo-Rui Medical Management.

Reed Lai
Vice President

Reed Lai used to be an assistant research fellow at the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy and the founder and general manager of BiFongGang Digital Technology Co., Ltd. His expertise is in public opinion surveys, quantitative statistics, token economy, STO, and DeFi.

John An
Legal Counsel

John An was with PwC Legal as a lawyer.  He is licensed in Taiwan, New York State in the U.S., and is a CIPP of the U.S.  He specializes in securities and financial regulations, and he has advised on various regulatory advisory projects for international banks, virtual currency exchanges, and financial technology companies.

John holds a Master of Laws (LL.M.) degree from the University of California, Berkeley Law School (UCB).

Dr. Louis Meng used to be a partner of Haynes and Boone, a managing partner of Blank Rome Greater China, and a co-founder of Magic Circle.

He holds a lawyer license in New York State and the District of Columbia, and his expertise is in cross-border mergers and acquisitions, private equity, venture capital, and blockchain and cryptocurrency compliance legal services.

Paul Yeh
Investment Director

Paul Yeah has nearly 20 years’ experience in security market, specialize in economic data analysis, asset allocation, investment portfolio optimization, financial analysis model design, and investment strategy formulation.

He used to be fund manager in MasterLink, Polaris and Capital International, and lead the oversea equity research team in Cathay

Laura Ho
Investor Relations Director

Laura Ho has over 20 years’ experience in financial market, specialize in global macro trend analysis, global asset allocation and investment strategy consultant for institutional entity and high wealth individuals.

She used to be economic analyst in Grand Cathay and Jihsun securities, and fund manager in Capital、Jihsun and Sinopac investment trust, and serves as the economic oversea house view chief analyst in Cathay security.

Pai, Jen-te
Senior Real Estate Consultant

Dr. Pai has a Ph.D. degree from the Institute of Architecture and Urban-Rural Research of National Taiwan University. He is currently a professor in the Department of Land Administration of Chengchi University. His expertise is in transportation planning, urban planning, measurement analysis and measurement methods.

Vance Kuang-Ta Lo
Senior Financial Consultant

Dr. Lo has a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Washington and is currently a professor in the Department of Finance at Chengchi University. His expertise is in public economics and individual applied measurement.

Victor Ong
Real Estate Consultant

Victor Ong is co-founder & managing director of Chimera management. He has 15 years in technology OEM Business Development

He renovated & redeveloped residential & multifamily units from 2013 to 2019 to achieve 6.0X in equity multiples

He holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD).

Raymond Cheng
Tax Counsel

Raymond Cheng is Licensed CPA. He used to be a IRS Senior Tax Analyst, E&Y Senior Auditor and Board Advisor to Grandway Asset Management.

He has 11 years of experience in real estate funds,  responsible for legal, accounting, and financing.

He holds a master’s degree in accounting from California State University Fullerton.

Shih-wei Liao
Senior Technical Advisor

Dr. Liao is currently an associate professor in the Department of Information Technology of National Taiwan University. He has worked in Silicon Valley for 22 years, including Stanford, Google and Intel. Participated in the development of Intel hyper-threading technology and parallel computing and optimized compiler development. He used machine learning technology to help Google improve the utilization of data centers. He is also the original author of Android Compiler, Virtual Machine, and RenderScript Engine. He won the highest founder award in Google for his contribution to Android.

Kenneth Chen
Senior Technical Advisor

Kenneth Chen started his business in the Internet era in his early years. He was the founder and chief technology officer of APOL and Genie Networks, and then served as the chief strategy officer of TELTEL and a senior consultant of 21Vianet. His expertise is telecommunications, traffic analysis, data centers, blockchain technology, and token economy.


Frank Chang
Founder & President

Frank Chang曾擔任Bellwether International Group專案經理、國泰證券海外資本市場研究員、與幣創科技的總經理。Frank Chang除具有超過10年的顧問與金融業經驗外,本科主修地政系亦讓他同時具有豐富的不動產投資素養與實務經驗。

Tony Hsu
Co Founder & Vice President

Tony Hsu曾擔任Cathay Securities海外資本市場研究員、台灣柏銳醫療集團創辦人。並曾多次參與新創公司設立、股權設計、財務規劃與執行以及後續經營與市值管理。Tony Hsu擁有北京大學光華管理學院MBA。

Victor Ong
Vice President & Head of Real Estate Operation

Victor Ong 來自新加坡的第三代開發商和建築商,一直在洛杉磯重新定位和開發單戶和多戶公寓。現為Chimera創辦人,他擁有超過15年科技B2B/OEM業務開發經驗與超過20年房地產開發經驗。2019 年,Victor 開發了超過30,000 平方英尺的住宅公寓。

Raymond Cheng

Raymond Cheng為美國合格會計師,曾任美國國稅局高級稅務分析師、安永資深會計師。他有15年不動產基金經驗,他於GrandwayAsset Management擔任顧問期間將基金規模從3000 萬美元增至6 億美元。他擁有加州州立大學富勒頓分校會計碩士學位。

Paul Yeh
Investment Director

Paul Yeh曾任元富投顧總經研究員、寶來投信基金經理、群益投信基金經理、日盛投信基金經理與國泰證券海外研究部組長。他專長為經濟資料分析、資產配置、投資組合最佳化、財務分析模型設計、投資策略擬定。他擁有東華大學財務經濟碩士學位。

Juan Carlos Ramirez
Head of Design & Construction

Juan Carlos 在土地使用權和設計建造方面擁有超過20 年的經驗。此外,Juan帶領近20人的建築設計團隊,其經手的建築設計案超過1500套公寓住宅設計及500件以上的房地產開發案。

Partner of Lexcuity

Charles Kaufman為Lexcuity PC 證券業務的主管,擁有超過25 年代表各行各業的上市公司和私營公司的經驗。他在為上市公司提供證券監管和合規方面的諮詢以及為新老公司提供諮詢方面擁有豐富的經驗。

John An
Legal Counsel

John為ReLiquidity之法律顧問。具有中華民國律師、美國加州律師以及紐約州律師資格,曾於PwC Legal 擔任律師,其專長領域為證券以及金融法規,擔任多家虛擬通貨交易所及金融科技公司法律顧問。John擁有Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP/US)資格,以及美國加州大學柏克萊分校(UCB)法學碩士(LL.M.)。

Laura Ho
Investor Relations Director

Laura HO曾任東亞銀行財務部主管、國泰建設REITs 顧問、大華證券/日盛證券/國泰證券研究部總經分析師與群益投信/日盛投信/永豐投信固定收益組合基金經理人。她專長為全球總經、未來產業趨勢分析與股債匯資產配置。她擁有交通大學財經所碩士學位。

Vance Kuang Ta LoInvestor
Senior Financial Consultant


Pai, Jen te
Senior Real Estate Consultant


Louis Meng博士曾任Haynes and Boone合夥人、Blank Rome大中華區管理合夥人、Magic Circle聯合創始人。
